7 Useful Tips for Conducting Productive Online Meetings


Running an online meeting is always a challenge, and if you don’t know how to manage it properly, you may not get the best results from it. But there are a few tips that will help you organize productive online meetings as easily as possible. The best and most amazing thing about these tips is that they are easy to follow, and they work great in any situation. But if you don’t know what makes a meeting productive, below we are going to share some productive meeting tips so that you can also organize your meetings smartly and more efficiently.

  1. A solid goal

You can divide a meeting into several parts, but it can only give you a productive outcome if you have a firm goal. So, before you schedule a meeting, make sure you have a clear agenda. If you cannot define the meeting agenda in five to seven words, then it is not clear enough in your mind. With this clear agenda, you will know the exact content you need to create for the meeting and the number of people who should attend the meeting.

  1. Plan

Whether you are holding an online meeting or holding an offline meeting, without proper planning, you will not be able to achieve any productive results. So, when you are holding a meeting, it is important that you plan everything before you start the meeting. This planning includes sending invitations to participants, selecting online conferencing software, setting it up and testing it. If you don’t know which online meeting software you should use, then ezTalks Cloud Meeting can be a great choice as it offers many services for easy and productive online meetings. And when you do, make sure you test it once before launching it so you won’t have any problems during the meeting.

  1. Attention to detail

Detailed planning is one of the most important tips for a productive meeting that will help you get the best results. Paying attention to details will make it shorter but will easily make it very effective. For more details, you can also check out some online productive meeting agenda templates and you can get some ideas from there. This will definitely improve your overall experience for you. You should also ask yourself different questions to get answers to these possible questions in the meeting.

  1. Make it short

Making it short is one of the best ways to have productive online meetings. If you can complete a meeting in 35 minutes, don’t extend it another ten minutes because you booked your meeting software for 45 minutes. If you keep it brief, it will make you more productive because you’ll get to the point quickly and draw the right conclusions.

  1. Appropriate timing

When you organize networking meetings, many participants from different time zones can join the meeting. The idea behind a productive meeting is simple: everyone should participate in the meeting. In the case of an online meeting, this may not be possible unless you choose a time that is convenient for everyone. With some research, you can probably find a time when all participants feel fully energized. This will ensure that none of the participants will be bored and all of them will be actively involved in the meeting.

  1. Make it interesting

Any meeting can turn into a boring lecture if it is not interesting and fast-paced. If you choose ezTalks , you can use annotations and animations on the whiteboard to share your message. This will make the meeting interesting and you can make the most out of it. So, if we are talking about tips for a productive meeting, maintaining interest should be one of the key factors for that. In addition to this, you can encourage participants to ask questions between meetings and you can instantly answer them. This will definitely increase the enthusiasm in the meeting and the final results will be much better for you.

  1. Make a point

Many people wonder what a productive meeting means and the answer is simple, it should have a conclusion to the meeting. If you can’t come to a conclusion on the meeting agenda, then you can’t consider the meeting successful or productive. So, when you start a meeting, make sure you keep it to the point and you are getting closer to a conclusion before you end the meeting.

In addition to all these factors, it is also recommended that before the meeting ends, you discuss the conclusion with all participants. You take their opinion and confirm whether they agree with the final results or not.